This may be off topic, but Can I use Beard Oil on my eyebrows?

(No worries, there is no such thing as “off topic” here at TheCatDude.Net.)

Yes, you can use beard oil on your eyebrows. It will give them a wonderful shine and make them appear thicker. Just be sure you don’t get breadcrumbs in them or coffee stains. Also, if you notice a few lighter ones popping up where dark ones used to be, that just means you’re getting old. If you haven’t done it already, you better start hitting the gym. If you are fairly wealthy, it probably won’t be as necessary, because your income will attract the fairer sex just fine – beer belly and all.

Am I Still Allowed to like Dogs?

Yes, you are.  Just because you only have cats, and no dogs,  in your home, this does not mean that you cannot like dogs and treat them with moderate affection if you pass one on the street.  Just think of them as old friends that you have lost touch with over time.  You may feel a little uncertain about how to act in their company, but just pat them on the head and continue on your way and no one will be the wiser.  Unfortunately, if cats are the only animal you have living in your home (birds and fish do not count), then you are a “cat-guy” and can no longer claim to be a “dog-guy” or the pathetically broad “I like all animals-guy”.  Sorry, you made your litter box, now you gotta lie in it.

Will Living With Cats Make Me Gay?

Of course, one of the first questions that every man struggles with once he finds himself collecting cats is….  “Does this mean I’m going gay?”

For those caught up in this quandary, let me assure you that allowing yourself to enjoy the company of cats will not make you suddenly drawn to those of your same sex.  Whatever sexual identity you have before you start living with cats will most likely continue throughout the duration of your cat ownership.  However, if  you feel a little uncomfortable in the check out line with your bottle of Rose´ and cans of Fancy Feast, I suggest keeping a throw-down bag of Alpo on the bottom of your cart just in case.